Colony Of Fun


Colony of Fun (CoF) is 1 of 2 colonies located inside Level Fun.
Despite the name, CoF is a small network of bases and colonies inside Level Fun (1 Base, 1 Colony) and Level 1 (1 Base) which is heavily centralized around their sole base in Level Fun.

It is described as a paradise by those who live within CoF's main base, when in reality it is an illiberal fascist empire with the view of Partygoers being that they're 'unclean' and 'inferior'.

Its population consists of almost exclusively humans, the 2nd largest group being Partygoers with freewill.


(The Liminal Factory - Ally)
(The Almond Cult - Ally)
Backrooms Communications Services - Ally
Sergeant's Colony of Fun - Neutral
(Worshippers of the Holy Darkness - Enemy)

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