A stranger to many, but known among their peers as an Inquisitor of Truth for the Eyes of Argos, Inspire tries their best to be a good friend, as well as to protect those dear to them.

But what happens when the person Inspire is falls into their mind, leading to someone else taking over?

Inspire and Andy are two separate beings, known together as the Unbound Paradox System. They have different personalities, however, due to them sharing a body, it is difficult for one to express themself when the other is currently in control.
Further information has been separated into several parts.

Not much is known about how Inspire or Andy were before a certain day, however, their fall was caused by a school bully pulling the host's hair at recess. A few people rushed to attempt saving them, but it was too late.

It is precisely known what happened after the day of Inspire leaving the Worshippers. They were wandering around Level 1, where they met with Spectral, who she later went to Level 6.1 with. There, they found the Priest with Maeve; the meeting resulted in a pie fight between the four.

A few weeks have passed since then when Inspire suddenly got a weird dream. To look for answers, they wrote a quick note for Spectral, which was read out by him. Spectral refused to let Inspire go and meet the group indirectly mentioned, however after a while Inspire departed anyway, after telling them multiple times that they'll be fine.

A few more weeks passed by peacefully, until Spectral found out that Inspire actually joined the mentioned group. They had a small argument there, which caused Inspire to want to leave Base Aurora of The Liminal Factory. The same person stopped her from doing so. After a while, Inspire fell asleep and woke up a few days later.

When Inspire had a breakdown after an old acquaintance of Andy called them out, it was made known that Inspire wasn't alone in her body.

It didn't take them too long to discover a group of people on Level 1. They called themselves the Anti-Jerry Jury, and were visibly in need of help. Considering that Inspire is in possession of an oddity created by one of the Eyes of Argos' members, called the Burning Water, they gave them a bottle for "their gratitude". Soon enough, she realized it wasn't too good of an idea, because someone decided that it would be a great idea to try and drink the weapon - luckily, they were stopped in time. In the same room, Inspire met Luke, who seemed to understand her struggles with the chaos in The Headquarters.

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